For the second day in a row, Carolina has basically told me that she wants to put herself to sleep for her nap -- just like she does at night. Yeah! So we're back to her doing it herself, which is more than alright with me.

Yesterday, I took Carolina into the city for a haircut. Her first official, total head haircut. It went really, really well. They had a seat that was basically a cooper mini car she sat in and could 'drive' while watching Dora on the TV, and then there were bubbles.
They gave her a balloon and certificate with a lock of hair at the end. I even bought her a Chatter Telephone from Fisher Price that I've been meaning to get.
All in all it was worth the extra cost to keep her smiling and with a lovely new 'do. Importantly, her hair is now all less crazy looking than before. Phew!

They gave her a balloon and certificate with a lock of hair at the end. I even bought her a Chatter Telephone from Fisher Price that I've been meaning to get.
All in all it was worth the extra cost to keep her smiling and with a lovely new 'do. Importantly, her hair is now all less crazy looking than before. Phew!