Wednesday, July 15, 2009

it's true, i have no idea what i'm doing

So, last night at her 9pm feeding (which was more like 10pm), I basically forced her with the bottle to eat just over 2oz. Girl slept for almost 4 hours! She didn't wake up until 1am. Amazing. I couldn't get her to eat that much again, but almost. So 2nd time she slept until 3am. Again, very good. Then she was back to snacking only (even though it was all with the mighty nighttime bottle) and was up at 4, then 5, then 6. At 6 I fed her normally and then Ismael gave her a bath.

Well, it is hopeful that it is at least possible for her to sleep that much and eat that much. I've been trying all morning to get her to breastfeed more than 3-5 minutes. No such luck. This girl can't be persuaded, at least not with any of the techniques I know of. She then goes back to sleep. Gets up within the hour. Same as usual.

At least she's not spitting up (just watch, now that I said that she'll do it constantly today) and not screaming. Again, just watch... Seems that the screaming is hungry. But even when the boob is in her mouth while she's crying, she won't take it sometimes until I keep rocking it into her mouth repeatedly.

God I'm looking forward to that lactation consultant coming this weekend to observe and help. I feel really useless, or at least ineffectual.

I swear right now, the night she sleeps for more than 5 hours, I'm having a frickin party. Party!!!

Wish us luck with today...

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