Sunday, August 2, 2009

things carolina likes and doesn't

Things she likes:

1. Feet rest: while feeding, having something to touch her feet/toes to
2. Trees: walking outside in the baby ergo to look up at the trees (This is only after she's fed, burped, changed diaper and calm, of course)... Even if she fights you while you're putting her in the Ergo and cries all the way to the front door of the building. She'll stop the moment you open the outside door and she knows it's not inside anymore. (this happens in reverse when you return to the building.)
3. Bath: a bath (of the right temperature, of course)
4. Smiling: a good laugh and smiling (after a soundly and enough-time nap/sleep)
5. Burping: a good, loud burp after a valiant struggle against the burps
6. Sleep: being swaddled and given a chupon (pacifier) by her dad en route to sleep for the night
7. Driving: Being driven in a car
8. Diapers: Pampers Swaddlers line of diapers
9. Colic Calm (she likes the taste more than Baby's Bliss but it stains everything black since it's base is a vegetable charcoal)
10. The Chair: vibrating chair with aquarium thing to watch
11. B&W video: "Wee See collection one" [] from
12. The throne: Sitting up on the couch with grandma and grandpa (Actually being proped up on a blanket but she thinks she's sitting up and can see more stuff, which is always good for her.)
13. Being a big kid: Sitting up, standing up, and being able to see lots of stuff. (Curious much?)

Things she doesn't like:

1. gas, of the burp kind
2. gas, of the butt kind
3. a mostly empty boob
4. Non-Boob liquid: formula (even heavily mixed with boob milk)
5. Non-Boob liquid: water
6. Non-Boob liquid: vitamins
7. Non-Boob liquid: mylicon
8. Non-Boob liquid: infant tylenol (least offensive of the eye drop liquids)
9. Non-Boob liquid: Baby's Bliss (HATES anise flavoring I guess)
10. Cold Bath: a bath with tepid water (too cold)
11. Disturbed: being too-early awoken from her sleep (you will only do this once to her and then learn your lesson)
12. Light: bright, direct sun
13. Gas: when mommy eats ice cream (see #1 and #2 on this list)
14. Constrained: being swaddled against her will (free my hands!). Even if it does end up calming her down.
15. Heat: outside when it's too humid/hot and she gets all sweaty
16. the car seat
17. Diapers: gDiapers (although we try weekly to get her to change her mind)
18. The Chair: vibrating chair with the aquarium moving things and music.
19. Not being able to see a lot of stuff when we go outside in the stroller

I didn't put naps in the like or dislike list since I can't tell. It's mostly a necessity and so liking or not liking them really depends mostly on her level of tiredness vs. level of gassy-ness. Which ever level wins will determine if its a like or a dislike.

PS And apparently you people aren't very hopeful she'll be sleeping for 5 hours straight anytime soon. The winner was a tie between 12 weeks and 6 months. *sigh* Well, last night it was 3 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours, 2 hours, 1 hour. Then time to get up. Sweet! Not awesome but I'll take it. If only she'd stay awake enough to burp after she feeds during the night, the morning wouldn't be so scream-y sometimes. That damn gas!

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