Wednesday, October 7, 2009

she slept for 6 hours straight last night and the night before!

we started to use some of the sleep "training" methods in "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" and she has now slept until midnight (after going to sleep between 6-6.30pm) two nights in a row! She then doesn't get up until about 4am, and then is up for the day at 7am.

Next week we're going to tackle napping. Because her taking 45 minute naps every other hour or so is really making it hard to get out of the house, and I know she can nap more. For example, this moment, she's been asleep for an hour and a half. She's only just making noises now, but see? she can do it. I just need to set up her schedule and she'll follow it. Probably with a bunch of crying the first day or two, like with the night time scheduling, but she'll do it.

Then we can go visit people and not only take short walks around the neighborhood. I mean Sunnyside is great to walk around but there's only so many times I can walk the 10 block radius before I know all the crazy people who are around during the day hours and see the same moms with strollers. It gets a little boring, even though we say hi to the people we have recognized on the street.

ok, she's up from the nap. Gotta run...

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