Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Leaky boobs and gassy nights

I guess you haven't lived until you both: accidentally squirt your kid in the face with breastmilk and leak all over every shirt you have forgetting you have on a shield (with ventilating holes) and not an absorbant breast pad. Ah dios!

So the past two days have been interesting. About 4pm she starts to cry with the I Have Gas cry and goes on for at least an hour. And then is equally inconsolable for at least an hour or two after 1am. Needless to say I'm beyond exhausted as is Ismael. I had a headache so big I took two Tylenol. I couldn't see straight from the pain. And I don't usually get headaches.

And at some point the bed started to shake a little. I thought I was hallucinating this. I had felt it lightly a few days before, too. So when Ismael got ready for work, I told him about the bed and he said he's felt it too but never when the train comes or a truck goes by. Maybe ghosts? Strange whatever it is.

I'm guessing our girl is growing which is why she gets up more often and eats more. But the gas has me stumped. I'm not eating anything I can think of that would cause it. Although she does have two gassy parents. :)

1 comment:

  1. ha ha. living with Is, I know that is true :) can't wait to see her on sunday!
