Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let the visitors line begin!

I'm still not sure if having visitors is a problem but so far it's fine. Yesterday we had both sets of grandparents and then Jee. Today is Julia with her son, Mom and sister. Later will be Kari.

Today, of course, Carolina has decided not to sleep too much but she also let me feed her in the same room as guests with the nursing cover on. Didn't make me do a lot adjusting, which was nice. And everyone washes their hands so it seems to be going well. It's just that we need to have our visitors before like 7pm since after the 6/7pm feeding it's usually required that I start to sleep too. Otherwise I get a wicked headache from being exhausted. So even though I enjoy having other grownups around to talk to, I'm kind of a tired mess after dinnertime.

It's completely selfish but I wish Ismael could be at home more. Or that I was more mobile. It only took two weeks... Less! And I have cabin fever. I look forward to her pediatrician visits just to be able to go into Manhattan and not be at home all the time.

Tiny Dancer on the other hand doesn't seem to care when people are around. She does her own thing.

It was nice to have my inlaws with us for the week. I think my mother on law cried a little when they left at 4am today to get their flight. The same way Ismael's grandmother does every time he is leaving after a visit home. I guess that's what happens when you are a grandmother and you live thousands of miles away.

My grandparents never did that but I almost always lived within 100miles of them. So I think distance matters to grandparents.

I'm daydreaming of a roasted chicken, garlic and cheese mashed potatoes, green beans and a coconut milk sponge cake for dessert. When we all wake up from this next nap we will probably have Lipton soup. A far cry from my dream but what are you gonna do?

I miss Minca bring across the street.


  1. Amor if you ever want something special for dinner, let me know and I'll get something on my way home

  2. that is the cutest comment ever, ismael :) i had so much fun seeing you guys yesterday and meeting carolina! she's a doll... literally - she's as small as the dolls i used to play with growing up! let me know if you ever need anything. we can plan a daytime activity sometime soon :)

  3. Can someone make it stop raining almost every day in June? This is crazy and makes going outside for afternoon walks impossible! :( all daytime activities are indoors. Sigh.
