Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sign language and pull ups

So, we're still dealing with fractured sleep because of this ear infection (poor baby). And since that's going on, I haven't been expecting much development from the little guy; he's been so tired all day and night.

Just this morning, when I was giving him lunch #1 (just before we go get his sister from school), I made him a bowl of some veggies and cereal and myself a bagel. He was playing with some toy in his mouth when I came with the dish and bowl. He sees his food, then looks at mine and gets REALLY EXCITED. He starts jumping up and down in his chair and clearly wants some bagel.

I give him some of his cereal and then a wee piece of my bagel. (This isn't the first bite of bagel or bread he's had, but I'm just explaining the whole thing...) Like usual, when he wants some more food, I ask him if he wants "more" and I show him the sign with my hands. In the middle of this he starts to put his little fists together! He's clearly trying to show me he wants "more", and he's saying "mmmmmmm! mmmmmmmm!" insistently when I give him some veggie cereal instead of the bagel.

I was well impressed.

And just yesterday he was trying to get something from the kitchen table, which is over his head, and he grabs the edge of the table and actually tries to pull himself up. He quite nearly did a pull up by lifting himself off the floor. I wouldn't let him as I could tell he wasn't steady enough, but this little one is going to walk soon. I'll bet by springtime, I'll have two walkers and each in an opposite direction!

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