Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Because waking up at 3am seemed like a good idea at the time

That's at least what my daughter must have thought. She was all smiley and awake. In fact she was awake, mostly silently, for the better part of the following hour after I fed her. During that time I threw out my neck. Have this cough that won't go away, paired with constantly looking down to check and adjust she is latchedon correctly. Which is hard enough during daylight hours and nearly impossible at night with only a night light to help.

So Ismael is going in late to work so I can go to the back dr when he opens at 11am.

She just fell asleep and was exhausted. The room is too hot and bright in my opinion. During the day. Maybe that is encouraging her not to settle down? Maybe it's that she can see us well and is watching more and more.

However I found the position to hold her to get her to relax like in the DVD, I've totally lost it. She fights it so hard and screams so loud. It's frustrating.

The less she sleeps during the day, the less she sleeps at night. I need a magic fairy godmother to help with some fairy dust. :)

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