Saturday, June 6, 2009

One week old

Today she is one week old. We were able to have both sets of grandparents/abuelos at our place since Ismael's parents arrived last night. She's been very cooperative for all the photos everyone wanted to take of her. She and I even had a little nap on my bed before my parents came over. I had sworn I'd never let my kid sleep in our bed. But pain from the stitches and exhaustion changed my mind. Plus she had just had a bath and was fed so she smelled awesome. Of course when I woke up my boobs had leaked on my shirt, which was awesome. And we had a quick conversation about how many poos she'd done today.

Our girl is an overachiever in the potty arena. And since she is still a little yellow, we are very proud of her diaper count. More poo means less yellow! Good girl!

My mother in law has been changing her today and putting on nice clothes. It's a good point that if we don't do it she will never wear most of the clothes. I guess it is also good since it's her one week "birthday".

Now is nap time for my little family. Looking forward to another night where she sleeps from 3-6am.

That's a really interesting thing about bring a new parent; measuring your days in three hour blocks and then the various minutes (feeding, number of diaper changes, color and consistency) that make up those hours. And when night comes, wondering where the time went. It's been the longest and shortest week of my life. I wonder what my kid thinks of it all...

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